臺灣護理人力概況與解決策略 | 全台藥局網
鄧素文,護理人力,護理人力短缺,供給及需求,解決策略,nursingworkforce,nursingshortage,demandandsupply,resolutions,護理人力短缺,月旦知識庫,整合十大資料 ...
英文摘要The shortage of nursing manpower is a long-term problem worldwide that affects Taiwan despite this countrys internationally admired achievements in terms of its healthcare and national health insurance systems. This article reviews discussions related to the nursing shortage issue published by the World Health Organization, International Council of Nurses, and Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare. Next, an overview is given of the nursing workforce profile, causal factors behind the nursing shortage, and demand for and supply of nursing manpower. Finally, problems, resolutions, and expected outcomes for the nursing shortage in Taiwan are analyzed.
臺灣護理人力概況與解決策略 | 全台藥局網
Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館 | 全台藥局網
臺灣護理人力概況與解決策略 | 全台藥局網
台灣護理人力短缺與留任措施 | 全台藥局網
葉金川教授曾在網誌中提到導致護理人力不足的原因是護理教育 ... | 全台藥局網
臺灣護理人力概況與解決策略 | 全台藥局網
Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館 | 全台藥局網
護理導論專題報告 | 全台藥局網
如何改善護理人員執業環境、 解決護士荒及維護 ... | 全台藥局網