Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館 | 全台藥局網
National Health Insurance (NHI) program offered a comprehensive and universal health insurance program to all citizens in Taiwan. However, clinical care loading become complicated under the situation of increased service coverage, aging population, prevail of chronic disease, and number of critical patients. After ”the Global Budget System” was introduced by the Bureau of National Health Insurance (BNHI) to modify the funding mechanism, nurse work loading were continuing raised due to decreasing manpower for cost-benefit purpose by hospital. Simultaneously, there was no distinction between clinical specialty and non-specialty work, therefore, the role function of nursing cannot be exerting. Problems on the long-term shortage of manpower influence retention rate of recently employed personnel, and also affect desire of graduates who are going to work at hospital. There were only 5...
台灣護理人力短缺與留任措施 | 全台藥局網
2019 年第廿屆「ICN 亞洲護理人力論壇」 | 全台藥局網
Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館 | 全台藥局網
Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館 | 全台藥局網
臺灣護理人力概況與解決策略 | 全台藥局網
如何改善護理人員執業環境、 解決護士荒及維護 ... | 全台藥局網
台灣護理人力短缺與留任措施— 臺北醫學大學 | 全台藥局網
2016冬季版 | 全台藥局網
台灣護理人力荒不被尊重、低薪、血汗是主因 護理人員 人力 ... | 全台藥局網